Jalan Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Kesambi Cirebon West Java, Indonesia
BATIQA Hotel Cirebon situated 3km away from Cirebon Train Station. There are numerous ways to reach the hotel, guests can choose from hotel pick-up from the station upon request, taxis, and minibuses.
From Cirebon Train Station, head east toward Jalan Siliwangi for about 80 meters, turn right onto Jalan Kartini for about 700 meters. Pass by Grage Shopping Mall on the right and then turn left onto Jalan Cipto Mangunkusumo for about 1km and continue straight a u-turn before Kumon Cipto.
Ramadan is approaching, and BATIQA Hotel Cirebon presents a special iftar promotion with the exclusive Hijrah package, titled “Hikmah Jamuan Ramadan Penuh Berkah“.
Arca Prajnaparamita known as the most perfect statue ever discovered in Indonesia, this sculpture symbolizes the glory of the Singosari Kingdom in the 13th century.
The holy month of Ramadan 2025 is just around the corner. While the official start of Ramadan is still awaiting the results of the Sidang Isbat, Muhammadiyah has already determined that 1 Ramadan 1446 H will fall on Saturday, March 1, 2025
ogyakarta, or more familiarly called Yogya, is not just a student city or a tourist destination. It is a living representation of the richness of Javanese culture that is timeless.
In Indonesia, this festival transcends tradition it symbolizes harmony, diversity, and respect for ancestral values. But what is Chinese New Year exactly, and why is it important to celebrate it in our culturally rich nation?
This achievement places Jakarta ahead of major cities like Vienna, Austria, and Tokyo, Japan, proving that the metropolis’ charm is gaining global recognition.
BATIQA Hotels offer premium services, but it also simplifies the room booking process with various attractive benefits, especially when you book directly through its official website.
The TasteAtlas Awards 2024/2025 has released its list of the top 100 cities with the best cuisine worldwide. Jakarta proudly secured the top spot in Southeast Asia and ranked 16th globally with an impressive score of 4.69 out of 5.
With strategic locations in various cities across Indonesia, each BATIQA property offers easy access to nearby attractions, making your vacation more enjoyable and hassle-free.
Who doesn't love fried chicken? This dish is beloved worldwide, with each country offering its own unique take. From its savory flavors to its crispy texture, fried chicken consistently remains a favorite on dining tables everywhere. Interestingly, some versions are even considered the best globally.
Sumba Island, Indonesia, has once again captured global attention. Featured in the prestigious list by Time Out, Sumba has been named one of Asia's best destinations for 2025.
The majority of the Javanese people reside on the island of Java, a key hub of civilization and culture in Indonesia. However, the influence of the Javanese extends far beyond their geographic origins, touching nearly every aspect of Indonesian society.
From traditional houses reflecting local wisdom to modern structures embodying contemporary aspirations, Palembang's architecture showcases a unique blend of tradition and modernity.
The Musi River flows serenely, dividing the city of Palembang like a vital artery. Beneath its murky surface lies a treasure trove of history remnants of the Sriwijaya Empire, one of Southeast Asia's greatest maritime civilizations. These discoveries not only enrich our historical knowledge but also unveil fragments of a past buried for centuries.
As a cultural symbol of East Java, Tari Remo is not just an awe-inspiring art form but also a reflection of the rich values embedded in Javanese traditions. This article delves into the history, meaning, and uniqueness of Tari Remo, and how it thrives in the modern era.
With its recent successful evaluation, this achievement highlights Kebumen's extraordinary geodiversity, biodiversity, and cultural heritage, positioning it as a beacon of sustainable tourism and economic growth.
This trend isn’t just about unwinding after work; it’s about discovering unique, enriching experiences. Popular activities among bleisure travelers include:
In celebration of the special 11.11 occasion, BATIQA Hotels is providing an irresistible offer with rates starting from Rp263,500 for a Superior Room, including taxes and service charges.
In a world that is increasingly connected and full of innovation, being a part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network (UCCN) is a remarkable achievement for any city. This network includes over 350 cities worldwide, recognized for their contributions to creative economies and sustainability.
One of the best ways to experience the charm of Lake Toba is by attending the Lake Toba Festival, a celebration that will surely captivate your heart and soul!
Indonesia, as a country rich in cultural diversity, hosts numerous festivals celebrating tradition, art, and natural beauty. From the beaches of Kuta to the hills of Toraja, each region features unique festivals that energize the spirit.
In this article, we’ll take you on a journey from Bali to Papua, recommending natural destinations and outdoor activities that you must try. Get ready for an unforgettable adventure!
From the western tip of Aceh to the eastern reaches of Papua, each island offers unique and delectable flavors. Join us as we explore ten legendary dishes you must try when visiting each island in Indonesia!
These seats are often praised for offering more legroom and better accessibility. However, along with their benefits, emergency exit seats come with specific responsibilities.
Offering premium accommodation experiences starting from Rp323,000. This special promo is part of the celebration of BATIQA Hotels' win as the 7 Most Popular Brand of The Year 2024, a prestigious award from one of Indonesia's leading national media.
Standing at approximately 1,235 meters above sea level, this volcano is renowned not only for its dynamic volcanic activity but also for its stunning natural beauty and unique ecosystem.
Rice water, the cloudy white liquid that results from boiling rice, is often seen as a mere byproduct of cooking. However, behind its simple appearance, rice water holds a wealth of health benefits.
BATIQA Hotels has received the prestigious Top 2023 Website Performance award from a leading technology company in the hospitality industry, in the economy hotel group category. This award affirms BATIQA Hotels' outstanding ability to convert customers through its brand website, www.batiqa.com.
Cirebon, a city in West Java, Indonesia, holds a treasure trove of cultural riches. Nestled on the northern coast of Java, Cirebon has witnessed the convergence of cultures from far and wide, giving rise to a unique and captivating cultural heritage.
This long weekend provides an opportunity for you to explore the various interesting tourist attractions in West Java. Here are some recommendations for tourist destinations that you can visit in late June 2024
To obtain accurate and up-to-date information, international visitors can visit the official website that provides a wide range of information related to Indonesian visas and immigration.
Exploring the natural beauty and cultural richness of Indonesia is a dream for many foreign tourists. However, before embarking on this exciting adventure, it is important to ensure that you have complete travel documents, including a visa.
Did you know that the enjoyment of coffee can be enhanced more than you can imagine? Here are some tips to make your coffee drinking experience even more special:
Cirebon, a city famous for its batik and culinary delights, holds another charm that is no less interesting: religious tourism. Dubbed the City of Saints, Cirebon has a long history in the spread of Islam in West Java.
One of the most anticipated traditions is breaking the fast together. For food lovers, breaking the fast at an all you can eat (AYCE) restaurant can be an interesting option to try various delicious dishes.
In addition to fasting from dawn to sunset, the Ramadan moment is also synonymous with various delicious dishes that are enjoyed when breaking the fast.
Hotel breakfast, which usually starts later in the morning, is not ideal for replenishing energy before fasting. However, don't worry, there are several smart strategies you can implement to still be able to perform suhur comfortably while staying at a hotel.
Who doesn't know kimchi? This iconic fermented food is known worldwide for its unique taste. But did you know that Korean cuisine is much more diverse and delicious than just kimchi?
Lontong Cap Go Meh is a Chinese and Javanese Peranakan dish, usually Lontong Cap Go Meh is served with chicken opor, lodeh vegetables, fried liver chili sauce, pickles, pindang eggs, beef floss, koya powder, chili sauce and crackers.
Heavy activity makes the body and muscles feel sore, which makes the mind feel tired and vulnerable to stress. One effective way to relieve all fatigue is to relax your body and mind with massage services.
The aroma of fragrant spices and rows of mouthwatering side dishes are hallmarks of the iconic Indonesian eatery, the Padang restaurant. But ever feel overwhelmed by the sheer variety of choices? Worry not, food adventurer! This guide will navigate you through the legendary side dishes of Padang cuisine.
Bread is one of the popular foods in Indonesia. It can be enjoyed as a snack, breakfast, or even as a main course. In Indonesia, there are various bakeries offering various kinds of bread.
Traditional markets in Surabaya offer a variety of goods at affordable prices. From basic needs, such as rice, vegetables, and fruit, to non-essential needs, such as clothes, electronics, and handicrafts.
Batik adalah salah satu warisan budaya Indonesia yang telah diakui oleh UNESCO sebagai warisan budaya tak benda. Batik Papua memiliki motif yang khas dan unik, yang menggambarkan kekayaan alam dan budaya Papua.
Selama perjalanan di jalan tol ini, Anda akan dapat melihat berbagai pemandangan yang indah dan menarik, mulai dari pegunungan, pantai, hingga hutan hujan tropis.
Jayapura, ibu kota Provinsi Papua, merupakan salah satu kota paling indah di Indonesia. Jayapura memiliki beragam pesona, mulai dari keindahan alam, budaya, hingga kuliner.
Perjalanan kereta api dari Jakarta ke Cirebon memakan waktu sekitar 3 jam. Selama perjalanan, Anda akan disuguhkan dengan pemandangan yang indah, mulai dari kota metropolitan Jakarta hingga pedesaan Cirebon.
Hari Dokter Nasional diperingati setiap tanggal 24 Oktober di Indonesia. Peringatan ini bertujuan untuk menghormati jasa dan pengabdian para dokter di Indonesia.
Surabaya adalah kota terbesar kedua di Indonesia, dan memiliki banyak tempat wisata yang menarik, baik yang sudah populer maupun yang masih tersembunyi.
Hari Kesehatan Mental Dunia diperingati setiap tanggal 10 Oktober. Peringatan ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran masyarakat akan pentingnya kesehatan mental dan mengurangi stigma terhadap penyakit mental.
Lampung merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki banyak destinasi wisata menarik. Mulai dari wisata alam, wisata sejarah, hingga wisata budaya, semuanya dapat ditemukan di Lampung.
Jalur kereta api Rengasdengklok merupakan jalur kereta api non-aktif yang pernah menghubungkan Karawang dengan Rengasdengklok di Jawa Barat, Indonesia.
Cirebon merupakan salah satu kabupaten di Jawa Barat yang memiliki banyak potensi wisata alam, salah satunya adalah gunung. Ada beberapa gunung yang berada di wilayah Cirebon, baik itu yang berada di dalam wilayah Cirebon sepenuhnya maupun yang berbatasan dengan kabupaten lain.
Koper merupakan salah satu perlengkapan penting bagi Anda yang sering bepergian. Koper berfungsi untuk menyimpan pakaian dan barang-barang lainnya selama perjalanan. Untuk menjaga koper agar awet dan tahan lama, diperlukan perawatan yang tepat.
Pekan Raya Jakarta (PRJ) atau Jakarta Fair adalah acara yang selalu ditunggu warga DKI Jakarta setiap tahunnya. PRJ adalah ajang pameran terbesar se-Asia Tenggara yang berlangsung selama sebulan penuh dari bulan Juni sampai bulan Juli tiap tahunnya.
Kebiasaan yang dilakukan oleh umat Islam di seluruh dunia saat Ramadan bervariasi, mulai dari makanan hingga durasi berpuasa. Ingin tahu fakta unik Ramadan dari berbagai negara? Yuk ikuti baca artikel berikut
Menjelang akhir tahun promo dan diskon hotel banyak ditemui. Walaupun sudah mendapatkan promo atau diskon tetap Anda harus melakukan penghematan jika memungkinkan. Karena hal tersebut dibutuhkan tips dan triks dalam memesan kamar hotel agar Anda dapat menghemat pengeluaran liburan Anda.
Berlibur ke Cirebon tak lengkap jika belum menyaksikan Tari Topeng Cirebon. Sejarah dan ciri khas tarian tradisional tersebut juga menarik untuk dipelajari.
Seni batik Indonesia tak sulit untuk dipelajari dengan niat dan kesungguhan. Berikut ini panduan menggambar batik dengan mudah untuk Anda yang berminat.
Kalau bosan dengan empal gentong buatan sendiri, yuk berlibur ke Cirebon dalam waktu dekat. Pilihlah Hotel Cirebon yang tepat untuk mendukung liburan Anda.
Sebelum melakukan business trip cermati dulu hal-hal penting mengenai aktivitas tersebut. Pastikan juga untuk melakukan reservasi di Batiqa Hotels sebagai fasilitas pendukung terbaik.
Kalau koper liburan Anda kurang cocok untuk business trip, berarti sudah saatnya Anda berburu koper baru untuk mendukung kelancaran aktivitas bisnis tersebut.
Banyak Semua Hotel di Indonesia siap mendukung aktivitas staycation Anda di akhir pekan. Kini, liburan di perkotaan semakin nyaman dan menyenangkan bersama BATIQA Hotels.
Business trip yang sibuk tak boleh membuat Anda mengabaikan kesehatan. Jagalah kesehatan dan stamina tubuh dengan menjalani gaya hidup sehat secara konsisten.
Batik is one cultural heritage that Indonesia has. The UNESCO has confirmed batik as a Humanitarian Heritage for Oral and Non-Cultural Culture on October 2, 2009.
Traveling to Cirebon could be the best solution to stay away from your daily routine in the modern world. One of the most visited destination site in Cirebon is Keraton Kasepuhan.
The term ‘situ’ is Sundanesse for lake in English. Situ Cicerem is a lake that is well known for its 5 meters deeps crystal clear water, the water is so clear that you can easily see the the fish swimming underneath.