Jalan Dr. Cipto Mangunkusumo, Kesambi Cirebon West Java, Indonesia


BATIQA Hotel Cirebon situated 3km away from Cirebon Train Station. There are numerous ways to reach the hotel, guests can choose from hotel pick-up from the station upon request, taxis, and minibuses.

From Cirebon Train Station, head east toward Jalan Siliwangi for about 80 meters, turn right onto Jalan Kartini for about 700 meters. Pass by Grage Shopping Mall on the right and then turn left onto Jalan Cipto Mangunkusumo for about 1km and continue straight a u-turn before Kumon Cipto.

Cirebon Local Delicacies You Need to Try: Empal Gentong

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Empal (beef) gentong (clay pot) is originated from Cirebon. A serving of empal gentong consists of intestines, tripe, and sliced beef. The appearance is quite similar to the curry. This delicious culinary is cooked inside a clay barrel for 5 hours using firewood.

Clay barrel is used to help strengthen the taste of the cuisine. In order to ensure the tenderness of the meat, firewood from the tamarind tree is chosen as fuel. Once it is ready, empal gentong is served with chilli sauce and chilli dry chili sauce.


In Cirebon, it is easy to spot empal gentong seller. One of the most visited local restaurant that serves empal gentong is H.Apud Restaurant. The restaurant already has 3 branches in Cirebon that spread across Jl. Tuparev, Jalan Juanda, and Trusmi Batik Area. For those of you who stay at BATIQA Hotel Cirebon can reach the restaurant that located on Jl. Tuparev in less than 10 minutes.

Insider's Guide

The restaurant offers spacious dining area with good air circulation. H.Apud's barrel-bearing restaurant has an indoor location. Thanks to the placement of the fan at some point, the heat in the room becomes vanishing. There are plenty of seats to accommodate visitors.

For a serving of empal gentong, you need to pay for Rp 25,000-Rp 30,000. Empal gentong contains coconut milk in it. If you find it hard to consume, you can opt for empal asem that tastes as good as empal gentong without the addition of coconut milk.
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